Inspiring talk about business development planning.
What are your next steps in business development and hpw long will it take to succeed.
It took me 20 years... you can probably do it in 20 months.
Do you have problem-solution-fit & product-market-fit? Now it is time to transform the business to operating-profit.
The key to success is massive failure/ Your goals is to out-fail your competition. That is what Darren Hardy said from The The Entrepreneur Rollercoaster.
#inspiriation #newbusiness #success
Inspiring Stories by Inspiring People.
Hosted by Bart Jenezon
- bart@jenezon.com
- Follow or connect at Linkedin
Inspiring entrepreneurs to create the future and make the world a better place.
You can get your copy of #1nspiring playbook for free at,
- www.1nspiring.com/book
For your inspiration:-)