You’ve heard all the generation stereotypes. Some think Millennials whine too much. Others think Baby Boomers work too much. Now that we have a new generation entering the workforce, we wanted to know how we could all get along. We brought along generation expert Kristin Scroggin, with genWHY Communications, to break down all of those quirks and habits that stem from our generational upbringing. Tune in to Part 1 of this episode as we dive into how to bridge the generational gap in the workplace!
Top Tips:
- Generational differences are influenced by the different parenting styles we grew up with.
- Millennials have attributes in the workplace such as, informality, refusing to “look busy” when you’re out of work, and feeling entitled for things instead of working for them. These are perceived negatively by the older generations.
- Not all Millennials are the same. There are those who are considered to be outliers . These include people that got raised by a single parent or grandparent, raised by older parents, parents battled addiction, raised in a small town, or if a family member was in the military.
- Traditionalist: 1924 -1945
Baby boomer: 1946 - 1965
Gen X: 1965 - 1984
Gen Y (Millennials): 1985 - 2005
Gen Z (technically still Millennials): 1995-2005
Gen Alphas (rename for COVID) - 2006 - Present
Connect with Kristin:
- Website: https://www.genwhy.com/
- Instagram: @genwhycommunications