Join us as we chat with Dr. Melissa Arcand, a passionate advocate for sustainable land management and a leading researcher in integrating Indigenous knowledge with environmental science and agriculture. Dr. Arcand, a member of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, shares her journey to becoming a soil scientist. She talks about her work with the Bridge to Land Water Sky Living Lab, which connects First Nations, academic researchers, and non-academic organizations to tackle greenhouse gases. We dive into community-based soil science, where Dr. Arcand bridges the gap between diverse stakeholders, translating complex research into culturally relevant dialogues. She offers insights into Treaty 6 unique climate challenges and the potential for regenerative agriculture, inspiring us with her optimism and dedication to knowledge-sharing. Tune in to explore the empowering potential of sustainable farming practices and the transformative power of inclusive research.
The Bridge to Land Water Sky living lab is part of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s nationwide network of living labs, under the Agricultural Climate Solutions – Living Labs program. Each living lab brings together farmers, scientists and other partners to develop and improve on-farm solutions that will help store carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address other environmental issues – such as soil health, water quality and biodiversity.
Hosted by: Michelle Brass
Produced by: Maddie Gould