TRIGGER WARNING!!! This episode deals with child abuse/S.A. and S.N.A.P. (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests).
Luke Schmaltz and King Rat have been a staple of the Denver Punk Rock community for 30 years. He has been a staff writer for Modern Drunkard, a bar and club owner, and now... he is a novelist. "The Belcher (Overserved Underdog)" is a book about a survivor in a world that has disdain for such archetypes. It is a comic book storyline that serves as an allegory for Luke's own life story and continuing struggles. This is an episode that will stun you. Be warned.
also check out https://sweet-cheetah-records.com for new releases by Palm Ghosts, Chris Broach, Christopher Lee Lewis, The 1984 Draft, Broken Hearts are Blue, and Upset Boy and the Queens!