Black holes continue to amaze and surprise us. Just when it seemed the scientific community was settling in on how black holes form, a string of recent discoveries has begun to call those assumptions into question.
How about a triple black hole system? Or how about a black hole that is "feeding" itself many times faster than astrophysicists thought possible.
Here on part two Wayne and Dan delve into the mysteries of these entities to the best of their knowledge and ability and they consider how these recent discoveries point us to the glory of God in Christ. Come and see!
Mysterious Supermassive Black Hole mentioned on Part One https://phys.org/news/2024-06-black-hole-inexplicable-mass-jwst.html
Triple black hole system https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/first-black-hole-in-a-triple-star-system-found
Super hungry black hole! https://www.nasa.gov/missions/chandra/astronomers-find-early-fast-feeding-black-hole-using-nasa-telescopes/
Sarah Salviander's video on the history of science's understanding of black holes: https://youtu.be/xi0CwpY5ICg?si=3wZUSmRaQ-9pGyLO
Press Conferences mentioned this series.
First photograph of a black hole: https://www.youtube.com/live/XlrfBiuMzfE?si=RU3ZM2scyPAZE1wV
Gravitational waves discovery: https://www.youtube.com/live/aEPIwEJmZyE?si=tZhq0Gs-WKZfRvOX
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Carl Sagan's Cosmos https://www.watchman.org/files/ProfileCosmos.pdf
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