In this epsiode, I announce a new kind of support available for moms: Momlife Quarterly!
I'll tell you about who its for, how it helps, why I put it together, and what the details are.
P.S. It's going to be soul-care!
Remember, whatever is going on, you are in good company 💛
Momlife Quarterly: http://momlifequarterly.com
The Village: https://village.mamasimpatico.com
Mama Simpatico Website: https://mamasimpatico.com
Exclusive Meditations: app.helloaudio.fm/feed/625206ab-0297-4ac6-a356-dae6d6e5b278/signup
7 Days to Self-Compassion Audio Course: https://7daystoself-compassion.mamasimpatico.com/