Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times. And here in the John 18, we see that come to fruition. Peter denied Jesus three times and then the rooster crowed. Why might have he done that? And more pointedly, might we ever do the same? Let's talk about it on this episode of the "Affirming Faith Podcast" To grab the interpretation .pdf I mentioned in the podcast, be sure to visit www.thejkeithbrown.com/interpretation-guidesheet/ To check out the "Inlet Journey" course, visit www.thejkeithbrown.com/inlet-journey/ To check out the "Affirming Faith Academy" membership, visit www.thejkeithbrown.com/afa To visit my website, visit www.thejkeithbrown.com. To donate to the show, visit www.Patreon.com/thejkeithbrown