Last year at this time, our family was reeling. Our son, Milo, had been going on months of little sleep, struggling to go to bed and then waking before dawn, his anxiety pulsing.
We were a year removed from his autism diagnosis in January 2023, but no closer to understanding how to best meet his needs.
And then - his behaviors worsened. Milo became much more physically aggressive, with longer outbursts that were difficult to manage. We went from sleep deprived to devastated: the pure pain of witnessing your child struggling and not knowing what to do.
But we had to figure out how to keep moving forward - and care not only for Milo's needs, but the needs of our girls, Nora and June, who are neurotypical. And so we did. One day at a time. Honestly, sometimes one minute at a time.
During that winter, we felt so isolated. We wondered: Are there other parents who know what this feels like? Does anyone really get it?
This podcast has been in our minds - and on our hearts - since then. Over the last 6 months, we've been slowing bringing our idea to life.
We're sharing our experiences - real, honest, unfiltered - as we continue this journey as a family of 5. We hope to connect with other parents of kids with unique needs and let them know: You're not alone.
Welcome to the Beyond the Label Podcast.
Follow us on Instagram @beyondthelabel440.
Email us at
Thank you to our friend Tom Evanchuck for the use of his song, "Sunshine," as our theme music. Follow Tom on Spotify.
Thank you for being here!