• What PLEASES God? S28e116 Jn15:4

    Abiding is the continual, observable efforts of relationship building with God. It is in the small stuff that He is pleased. Don't be surprised by one thing: the EFFORT, the volitional action of it.

    The Lord is please with the person who is please to ABIDE in Him.

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  • What is God’s LOVE LANGUAGE? S28e115 jn15:2

    The Lord is pleased with the person who is pleased to be pruned. Desiring His good work of removing the unfruitful stuff is a marker for Christian family members.

    Discipline is a love language of God. Pruning is a love language of God. One of MY love languages towards God is to be please to be pruned. Listen exactly 7 minutes:

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  • HOW DO I GET TO FRUITFULNESS? s28e114 Jn15:1

    Join me in CHARGING TOWARDS FRUITFULNESS. We are talking about spiritual fruitfulness, which is to say real fruitfulness.

    We get there by attaching and abiding. For today, that is actually the easy stuff. Then, there is PRUNING. Pruning is for the good branches. So if you are a Christian, expect pruning on your way to increasing fruitfulness.

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  • Can I have peace with God?S28e113 Jn14:25

    Jesus reveals some critical information to help us live at peace with the World and live at peace with God Himself.

    The Holy Spirit coming to us is going to be key. Listen 7 minutes as we hear the lesson of His last few hours.

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  • God makes His home with those who are happy to see Him S28e112 Jn14:23

    Where does God dwell and why does God dwell there? The answer is going to almost break your spiritual muscles today as we try to understand it.

    God makes His home with those who are happy to see Him

    His living with us can only be understood in light of HIS LOVE. He lives in because He loves us first.

    We'll iron all this out in 7 minutes and 5 seconds today. For more, subscribe.


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  • Who does God talk to? S28e111 Jn14:21

    In general, who does God SHOW HIMSELF to? To Whom does He manifest His incredibleness? Well, He tells us that it is people who have TREASURED the previous things He has said.

    Our future communication with God is colored by the character of our response to His past revelations. The care in which we have received His past manifestations predicts, in part, future manifestations. So then, let's be careful with what He has already said to demonstrate we care about what He will say now.

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    What struck me today is that we ALL start out as spiritual orphans: no family, no home, no attachment. It is tragic to even comprehend. BUT, the great news today is : I will not LEAVE YOU AS ORPHANS.

    Jesus is the great ORPHAN-KILLER. By the Spirit, He is the Orphan un-maker. He makes us Family. Wow.

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  • Help is on the way!S28e109 Jn14:15

    Humanity has been waiting for thousands of years for the news of this passage.This is the introduction of the Holy Spirit in the Bible. We find that we have local access, eternal security and help for humanity.

    This is 7 minutes of very good news. Subscribe and follows.

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