Batman '66 S2 Ep10 – Ma Parker
When the Dynamic Duo realizes Ma Parker has seized control of the Gotham Penitentiary, they must get in to stop her.
Episode aired Thursday October 6, 1966
Director: Oscar Rudolph
Writer: Henry Slesar
Adam West - Batman
Burt Ward - Robin
Alan Napier - Alfred
Neil Hamilton - Commissioner Gordon
Stafford Repp - Chief O'Hara (credit only)
Madge Blake - Mrs. Cooper
Shelley Winters - Ma Parker
Tisha Sterling - Legs
David Lewis - Warden Crichton
Michael Vandever - Mad Dog
Peter Brooks - Machine Gun
Robert Biheller - Pretty Boy
James Griffith - Trusty
Mike's Shout Out:
Earth Station Who
The Dragon Con Report
Drew's Shout Out:
Batman #408
BatChums logo by Peter Cutler.
Theme music by Ricky Zero.
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