
  • The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 22

    This week’s text is Matthew 14:34-15:39. Topics: Jesus heals both Jews and Gentiles; an examination of some of the traditions in light of what God’s Word says; the feeding of the 4,000, and how this event differs from the feeding of the 5,000 that took place earlier.

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  • The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 40

    This teaching is from Matthew 26:39-68

    Come along as we see:
    Who Jesus is and why we so desperately need Him

    As we look at Jesus’ story of His arrest and trial, we will learn that Jesus is faithful and we are not, Jesus is fearless and we are not, Jesus is forthright and we are not.

    Today’s story opens in the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus having asked His disciples to stay awake while He goes to pray and share His heart with the Father. Jesus knows what is coming and asks the Father if there is another way - yet ends the prayer saying, “not my will, Father, but Yours.” Jesus remains faithful to accomplish the will of the Father.

    As Jesus returns the 3rd time from praying to the Father He again discovers the disciples sleeping. He wakes them as the scene changes… we read next the betrayal by Judas as he point out Jesus in the crowd by kissing/greeting Him. Jesus is seized and arrested, yet He fearlessly goes with them, faithful to the will of God the Father.

    Peter then cuts off the ear of one of the servants that was present and Jesus immediately heals the ear, telling Peter not to give into hatred.

    Jesus doesn’t resist arrest and willingly steps into fulfilling the Scriptures. The prophetic words spoken in the Old Testament about Jesus are fulfilled and it is in seeing this fulfillment of His first coming, that we know what the Bible tells us of His second coming is truth, as well. Jesus will fulfill, one day soon, everything predicted in His return. There is so much more to come and we don’t want to miss it! What He offers is life forever with Him! Faith in Him delivers and saves us!

    As Jesus is taken away His disciples abandon Him, leaving Him alone and deserted. He is brought before the High Priest, Caiaphas. Peter hangs back in the courtyard area. (A spot that comes into play in next week’s study!)

    The Sanhedrin begin looking for evidence against Jesus. Two witnesses declare that Jesus said “I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in 3 days.” These were words spoken during the story of Jesus cleansing the Temple. Pastor shares some interesting insight into there being 2 times Jesus cleansed the temple and not just once. One at the beginning of His ministry and then again just days before His arrest. The temple cleansings bookend His ministry.

    The High Priest asks Jesus to answer the change of destroying the temple and building it up in three days, but Jesus does not answer. Again displaying His fearlessness. He remains quiet.

    Caiaphus seeing he doesn’t have enough evidence to convict Jesus, then demands that Jesus tells them, under oath of the Living God, if He is the Messiah the Son of God. Meaning: Are you making a claim to divinity (and this was a crime).

    And Jesus answers, “You have said so.” And goes on saying, “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Matthew 26:64) Jesus’ forthrightness in His answer describes who He Is by quoting Old Testament Scriptures (Daniel 7:13 and Psalm 110:1).

    In His answer, Jesus is claiming Deity and thus convicts Himself. At Jesus’ words the High Priest tears His clothes (something that was only permitted when someone was blasphemous). Verses 65-66 continue, “Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, ‘He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?” The crowd answered, “He is worthy of death.”

    Our study ends with Jesus’ faithfulness and fearlessness as seen in verses 67-68: “Then they spit in Jesus’ face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him and said, “Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?”

    When we meet next the story of Jesus’ arrest and conviction continue with more for us to learn on who Jesus is! Join us!

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  • The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 21

    This week’s text is Matthew 14:4-33. A fascinating look at 24 hours in the life of Jesus and His disciples: John the Baptist beheaded, the feeding of the 5,000, and Jesus walks on water.

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  • The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 20

    This week’s text is Matthew 13:40 - 14:7. Pastor explores several more parables of Jesus; there will be a judgement and evil will be destroyed, only things of God will remain; the narrative of the entire Bible holds together from beginning to end, the Old and New Covenants, ending with the story of Herod, Herodias and John the Baptist.

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  • Ten Words - Week 5: Remember!
    Scripture: Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Jeremiah 6:16, Matthew 11:28-30, Mark 2:27-28, Colossians 2:16-17, Romans 14:5, Romans 12:1-2, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Colossians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” Exodus 20:8. Is going to church what this commandment is about? Or is there something deeper than simple church attendance? Is this command requesting Compliance with an order without the Comprehension of who God is? How do we “remember” the Sabbath Day? By worshiping and praising and acknowledging God as our Lord, King and Savior. However, some have a false understanding of worship. In the Old Testament they see worship as attending Saturday Synagogue and in the New Testament they see it as attending Sunday Church. The Sabbath is all about RESTING - let’s take a dig into what resting means and is. Jeremiah 6:16 says, “Stand at the crossroads and look: ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” Rest for one’s soul is found in God, in His truth, in who He is, in what He has done. Jesus says the same things in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” True rest is not found in a building - it is found in Him - in a relationship with the Living God. Digging deeper into the command, “Remember the Sabbath Day.” The Resurrection of Jesus was on a Sunday. While many in Jesus’ day went daily to the temple to Praise God for what Jesus had accomplished in the resurrection, Sundays became their sabbath and each Sunday was a mini Resurrection Day celebration in honor of Christ’s victory of the grave. In Colossians 2:16-17 we read: “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” This verse tells us it’s not about worshiping God on a specific day or way. This verse tells us that Jesus is the genuine Sabbath! Rest is found in Christ! He is rest. In Him is rest. Rest is a precious gift found in Christ. Mark 2:27-28 tells us, “Then Jesus said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.’” Even though the New Testament day of worship became a Sunday for believers in Jesus, Romans 14:5 tells us that God does not command us to set aside one particular day - though we are free to do that - like we continue today to gather together on Sunday’s in memory of Jesus’ resurrection. But that doesn’t mean we all have to do that - in fact the New Testament doesn’t say to worship on any specific day of the week. What we are told is to worship God ALL the time; worshiping Him with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our mind and worshiping, praising and thanking Him in all situations Jesus tells us that He is the one who is rest and who brings rest. How do we practice the command to “remember,” how do we do what we are called by God to do? Here are some New Testament Essentials: ⁃ We are called to worship - worship is to be a life-style, it’s the way we live. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1 Daily worship is the heart of our lives - relationship with Him brings forth worship. ⁃ We are to be in God’s Word - allowing it to transform us - to be made new in Christ. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” We are to allow the Word of God to be part of our lives and to allow His Word to change our lives. ⁃ We are to practice godly Wisdom. Colossians 3:16 “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” We also worship God when we wisely take care of our bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “ Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” God calls us to rest - Jesus is Rest - Resting in Him is something that is good for our souls, our hearts, our bodies and our minds. We aren’t to go through the motions of rest one day a week - that’s RITUAL. We are to live in Him and ...
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  • Rescued by Truth: Week 5

    In the midst of life's sorrows and fears, Jesus promises to sustain us in His strength -- the strength to not only endure but to triumph -- when we give Him our worries. "Cast your care upon the Lord, and He will sustain you."

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  • Two Year Gospel Study Week 57
    Scripture - Luke 24:13-25 “Surprise Encounter”. Other scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 13:20-21 The first day of Jesus’ Resurrection was a day of surprises! Today’s story is one of the most incredible stories in the Bible. It is one of the most incredible acts of historical reporting found anywhere in all of literature and all of history! It is the story of two disciples on the road to Emmaus and their surprise encounter with the One who is risen from the dead! The last day of the week is the Jewish day of the Sabbath Day which is a Saturday. Today’s story takes place on Sunday, the first day of the week. But this was a special “first day of the week” because this particular Sunday was the first day after the Sabbath of Passover and thus a festival day: The Festival of First Fruits. Why is this significant? The Bible tells us Jesus is the First Fruits of those who rise from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:20). So there’s nothing accidental about God the Father choosing this particular day for Jesus’ Resurrection! The story tells of two disciples walking and talking about all that had happened in the last week. They had heard bits and pieces. Their hopes were dashed at the brutal crucifixion of Jesus and the tragic reality seemed to be that everything they had pinned their hopes and lives upon was gone and dead with Jesus’ death. As they talked Jesus Himself came up and walked with them, but they were kept from recognizing Him. Why was God so intentional for them to have this conversation without realizing who they were talking to? We will find out…. Pastor brings in some holy speculation about who one of the disciples, Cleopas, may have been. He shares that Cleopas may be none other that Jesus’ step uncle (His step father, Joseph’s, brother.) As Jesus joins them He asks what they are discussing. Incredulously they can’t believe He doesn’t know and they share what had happened in the previous days, ending with all they knew that had happened that morning with the women finding the empty tomb, Peter and John verifying the tomb really was empty, other women seeing and speaking with angels, Mary Magdalene encountering Jesus, Himself. And how they don’t even know what to think about it all. Then Jesus says, “ ‘How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?’ And then beginning with Moses, Jesus explained to them what was said in the Scriptures about Himself.” What an amazing conversation this had to have been! Here they are hearing Jesus share about Himself, all while having no idea that it’s actually Him with them! Pastor walks through Scriptures pointing out several possible sections of the Old Testament that Jesus may have shared that day with them as they walked. Whatever Jesus shared, it must have been a fascinating conversation because the Bible is a story that proclaims the goodness and faithfulness of God to an unfaithful creation. It is the story that reminds us that the Living God will keep His Word even though we human beings so often fail. It is a story that tells there is One to come who will redeem and deliver and rule forever. How many times were these two disciples stopped in their tracks as they listened to Jesus explain the scriptures to them that day. As they arrived at one of their houses, they invited Jesus to stay with them saying, “Please stay with us!” What a great request…. Have you asked Jesus that? “Please stay with me.” Have you invited Him by saying “I want to know You more and more!” Jesus answered their request by staying with them and He will answer your request the same way! When Jesus was at the table in their home, He took the bread, gave thanks, broke it and passed it out and as He did so, their eyes were opened and they recognized who He was, and then Jesus disappeared. Back to our question: Why was God so intentional for them to have this conversation without realizing who they were talking to? We were able to see how they had accepted what they had heard on that walk - before they even realized who they had been walking with! The Bible says in Romans 10:17, “Faith come from hearing and hearing comes through the Word of the God.” Their faith blossomed as they heard Jesus speak the Words of God in the Old Testament, shared through Moses and the other prophets. When we hear the Word (the Bible) today - it is still a Word that comes from the very lips of God and that Word: transforms, renews, gives hope, gives peace, brings power, and it changes everything! After Jesus disappeared from their sight, they asked each other, “were not our hearts burning within as He talked with us and opened the scripture to us!” This is still true today - the Holy Spirit opens our minds to see the truth of the Living God. This is not religion - this is real life This is not a matter ...
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  • The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 19

    This week’s text is Matthew 13:10-39. Jesus' parables on the Kingdom of Heaven - a sower spreading seed, a wheat field with toxic weeds mixed in, a sprouting mustard seed, yeast in bread dough; Jesus explains the parables to the disciples but not to the crowd; His parables conceal truth from those unready or unwilling to receive it, but reveal the Kingdom of Heaven to those who truly hear and understand.

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