
  • Status 0 EMS

    The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

    #ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #Nightops #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar

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    52 分
  • Out of Order. Ben and Stephanie

    The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

    #ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #Nightops #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar

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    1 時間 18 分
  • Catching up with Carlos and Trish

    The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

    #ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #Nightops #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar

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    1 時間 5 分
  • The Birthday Buddy and Hippo are BACK!

    Yes it's true, the Birthday Buddy and Hippo are BACK!! On this episode of As The Rotor Turns, the fab four: Carlos, Trish, Amanda, and Jason are together again after the second day of the First There First Care conference, (where by the way Carlos was awarded EMS Educator of the Year - Go Team TRC1!), and talk'n surgeries, side-effects, ER smells, and everything in-between...allegedly.

    DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

    #ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar #firedepartment #ems #familybusiness #TheRescueCompany1 #AsTheRotorTurns #justforfun #podcast #emspodcast #justintimberlake #pabstblueribbon #flightmedic #fireman #firstresponders #ernurses #911dispatcher #firefightermedic #florida #justforlaughs #currentevents #inthenews #advancedlifesupport #sixty5media #teamwork #airmedical #airmedicine #orlando#pulseshooting #nursing #emergencyroom #nurses #hospital #spinalblock #morphine #painmeds #postop #postoptreatment #postopnurses #pound #IfNotmeThenWho #carlostavarez #ketamine #emergencyroom #portugal #portugalvsczechia #martini #Juneteenth

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    1 時間 17 分
  • First There First Care & the Kevin Bacon Connection

    On this episode of As the Rotor Turns, Carlos and Trish are on the air with special guests Cory and Ben after a day at the First There First Care conference and the 8-year anniversary of the Pulse tragedy. The squad starts with a review of the conference, Florida weather, and skills of the pros. Then the show takes a hilarious turn to Trish's driving skills, call signs, Granada's offensive nipples that lead to TRC1's official merch line, and the seven degrees of separation between Kevin Bacon, Tom Cruise, and the Karate Kid. Yep, it's that kind'a show; be ready to once again listen, learn, and laugh out loud.

    DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

    #ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #Nightops #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar #firedepartment #ems #familybusiness #TheRescueCompany1 #AsTheRotorTurns #justforfun #podcast #emspodcast #pulse #pabstblueribbon #flightmedic #fireman #firstresponders #ernurses #911dispatcher #firefightermedic #florida #justforlaughs #currentevents #inthenews #advancedlifesupport #sixty5media #teamwork #airmedical #airmedicine #pornhub #dopamine #skillsscenerio #orlando#pulseshooting #nursing #emergencyroom #preacher #callsign #pulsenightclub #nurses #hospital #firsttherefirstcare #nursingtips #floridastorm #kevinbacon #tomcruise

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    1 時間 16 分
  • Stick & Move - Ultrasound IV lines

    On this episode of As The Rotor Turns, we have less shenanigans and more education as hosts' Carlos and Trish take on the topic of using ultrasound for starting an IV on hard stick patients in the Emergency Room. This is a great episode to tune into for starting any type of intravenous line on a stable patient to a compromised patient. Of course we sprinkle in a little shenanigans, because hey...we know ya love it.

    DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

    #ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #Nightops #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar #firedepartment #ems #familybusiness #vaccinated #TheRescueCompany1 #AsTheRotorTurns #justforfun #podcast #emspodcast #diversity #pabstblueribbon #flightmedic #fireman #firstresponders #ernurses #911dispatcher #firefightermedic #florida #braxtoncollege #justforlaughs #currentevents #inthenews #advancedlifesupport #teamwork #airmedical #airmedicine #staugustine #brassmonkey #ultrasound #ivlines #nursing #emergencyroom #focus101 #vascular #nurses #hospital #centrallines #nursingtips

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    57 分
  • Let's Talk About Sex

    In this episode Carlos and Trish review the Connie Rhea ALS competition and the scenarios in the competition and how they would play out in the field. Then they switch gears and discuss sex related calls and the myths that surround sex. This is an amazing and enlightening episode, but not the one to have on speaker when picking up the kids from school.

    DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

    #ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #Nightops #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar #firedepartment #ems #familybusiness #vaccinated #TheRescueCompany1 #AsTheRotorTurns #justforfun #podcast #emspodcast #diversity #pabstblueribbon #flightmedic #fireman #firstresponders #ernurses #911dispatcher #firefightermedic #florida #braxtoncollege #justforlaughs #currentevents #inthenews #advancedlifesupport #teamwork #airmedical #airmedicine #staugustine #southeasternmedicalacadamy #sex #letstalkaboutsex

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    51 分
  • A Flight Down Air Medical Memory Lane

    Carlos, Trish, and Black Joe are on location in St. Augustine for this episode of As The Rotor Turns and the take a flight down memory lane with special guest, Carlos' first Air Medical preceptor, George Davis from Global Jet Care. These vets swap memories and different views on how the industry of flight medicine has grown and changed, all while of course hydrating at a local establishment.

    DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

    #ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #Nightops #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar #firedepartment #ems #familybusiness #vaccinated #TheRescueCompany1 #AsTheRotorTurns #justforfun #podcast #emspodcast #diversity #pabstblueribbon #flightmedic #fireman #firstresponders #ernurses #911dispatcher #firefightermedic #florida #braxtoncollege #justforlaughs #currentevents #inthenews #advancedlifesupport #teamwork #airmedical #airmedicine #staugustine

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    1 時間 5 分