Athletes are constantly under severe levels of stress and anxiety to perform well.
They fight for every inch and often put their bodies through excruciating pain to secure a victory. Sounds a bit like traders, doesn’t it? Traders are also no strangers to stress, and they use their minds to create money out of thin air.
In this Talking Trading Summer Series episode, Louise has unearthed a classic extended discussion with Dr. Harry Stanton and Chris Tate, in which they explore the similarities between Sports and trading.
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If you’re serious about taking your trading to the next level, don’t leave it to chance. Head over to tradinggame.com.au and grab your free trading plan template. It will help you trade with confidence and clarity. Visit tradinggame.com.au, sign up, and get your template now.
Trade confidently. Louise Bedford is a best-selling author and founder of www.tradinggame.com.au and www.talkingtrading.com.au.