In the latest episode, Cat and Dan discuss the potential for fake saliva, muse over which Australian cricketer is most likely to exhibit hamster-like tendencies and admire the ongoing greatness of the Monty Channel. Plus: Are YOU smarter than a fifth grade cricketer? Find out with our podcast treasure hunt! Just answer the following questions. Q1. How many times is the phrase ‘The Hundred’ used in the sting to that section of the show? Q2. Who batted in the (answer to Q1) position in the first innings from the match we covered in detail during the podcast? Q3. Spell the full name of (answer to Q2) backwards. Go to that backwards name on Twitter for your next clue. Q4. What (answer to Q3) did we mention in the podcast? Q5. Go to https://www.cantbowlcantthrow.com/(first 3 letters of answer to Q4)/ for your prize Have fun!