Series: The Gospel of John
Title: Anointing Messiah
Text: John 12:1-11
I. Passover Dinner with the Anointed Jn. 12:1,2.
A. Passover with the Anointed 1,2a.
B. Reminder of the Chosen’s power 2b.
II. The Anointing of the Anointed Jn. 12:3-8.
A. Glory = Value 3.
B. Judas misses God’s choice 4.
C. Judas’ motive revealed 6.
D. The Anointed is most important 7.
III. Reactions to the Anointed Jn. 12:9-11.
A. Less, but still selfish 9.
B. “Guilt” by association 10,11