
  • Ghosting, Breadcrumbing, Gaslighting & Narcissism, Oh My! Are we overusing these terms or not using them enough?

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  • Emotional Fitness--How much do you feel your feelings?

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  • Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking Your Potential and Healing With Emotional Fitness and Resilience, EQ

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    What's the difference between a psychologist and a magician? Authentic Action Podcast, Episode #38
    Join Angel on the Authentic Action Podcast for a deep dive into Emotional Fitness and why you need more of it!

    Emotional Fitness can reduce overwhelm and chronic illness and help you get clear about your purpose
    Many think being "too emotional" is the problem but really the problem is dysregulation and getting triggered into our parasympathetic, or fight-flight-freeze-f*ck nervous system.
    We are not able to think well when we are in this mode, and left unchecked it creates disease and dysfunction in the body and in society.
    There are reasons we become dysregulated and it is not because we are broken or unfixable. The alarms are going off for reasons!
    You cannot master yourself until you master your emotions, and this does NOT mean simply suppressing or numbing them, any more than it means allowing them to run amuck and drive us further from our goals.
    By learning to feel our feelings, name and understand our feelings more, and express them in healthier ways we can become more emotionally intelligent, resilient, and fit.
    There are simple and free, tried and true tools we all can learn and practice and improve our emotional fitness. We are energetically contagious to one another, so we all benefit when we do, and when we don't, we all lose.
    The current programming is designed to keep you dysregulated, numb, and dumb. Turn off your television and remember how to live vibrantly and authentically alive!

    Awaken your creative spirit with Aromatherapy Perfumes and more at

    If you are interested in starting your own podcast, I highly recommend Buzzsprout! Here's my affiliate link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=671033

    Learn more about building with papercrete and being bravely and unapologetically authentic, while also helping to support this channel by buying my books on Amazon:
    The Head Hutt: Papercrete Mega-Sculpture, in Black and White

    The Head Hutt Papercrete Mega-Sculpture (full color paperback)

    The Head Hutt Picture Book, Full Color Edition: The why's, how's, and what-for's of building the Head Hutt Mega-Sculpture (Mega-Sculptures)

    47 truths: Musings of a Modern-Day Multi-Medium Storyteller; A playful exploration of alchemy and coherence through the transformative magic of words. Kindle Edition

    All Rights Reserved.
    Published by GAL Media/FunFast Productions.

    Enjoy a wonderfilled day!

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    45 分
  • Are We Conscious? How Much Do You Feel Your Feelings? Episode #37

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    How conscious are you, do you think?
    ....Check out our sponsors:
    The Authentic Action Academy (currently over at skool)

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    52 分
  • Is your perfume or cologne killing you softly?

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    What do you call a perfume for amphibians?
    Find out in this week's episode!

    Is your perfume killing you softly? #AuthenticActionPodcast #Phthalates
    Find out more about phthalates and how you can avoid them, or if you even should...

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    28 分
  • Red and Green Relationship Flags--What if YOU'RE the toxic one?

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    What do you call a person with an anxious attachment style and a new phone number?
    This week's episode is about Communication in Relationships and how our attachment styles play into the red flags and green flags we may or may not perceive...

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  • Change The Way You Travel Through Time... Authentic Action Podcast Episode 34

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    We might not have time travel quite figure out yet, but we do know a thing or two about how to SHIFT the speed we move through time...
    Join Angel as she contemplates the nature of the passage of time and how we might squeeze more juiciful life out of it.
    Check out our sponsors:
    Authentic Action Academy
    Sleeping Dragons Company
    Be good to yourself and get some on ya!

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    30 分
  • Emotional Regulation Saves Lives! We need trust to build healthy relationships and healthy systems. E#033

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    What is light as a feather but still hard to hold?

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