It takes a lot of time and effort to give a personalized gift to a friend but it takes an unbe-lathe-a-bowl friend to gift a shared experience that creates memories to last a lifetime. On this week's episode, special guest Leanna Shaw joins the podcast as these ladies share their group experience of turning bowls on the lathe in their very first woodworking class! For Christmas this past year, Leanna gifted Bryn and Laura a secret "experience" for the three of them that WOOD bring on an incredibly fun and memorable day in their friendship. So what is a lathe and what are the kinds of things you can make on it? Is this more of a man's hobby or is this something a lot more woman are starting to actually getting into? You're KNOT going to believe how these bowls turned out so don't miss out on this unbe-lathe-a-bowl experience between friends.
Music Credit: Ready for This by Dan Phillipson (Into / Outro)