Welcome back to Kent in Good Company! Today is a rewind to one of our Season 1 episodes, Alicia from Flourish Plant Mkt. I’ve been really pumped for plants lately with the new weather, and I know I’m not the only one! So I thought this would be a fun episode to bring back.
Alicia and I mentioned Board and Bevy in this episode. We have an episode about that business. Click here to find it in our Season 2 library: https://mainstreetkent.org/discover/in-good-company/season-2/
Check out Flourish Plant Mkt on:
You can also go to the Flourish website to see the plants Flourish has in the shop!
Last, but not least, you go to Flourish Plant Mkt in person at 113 S Water St, Kent, OH 44240.
Thank you to Hall-Green for sponsoring this episode. If you want to learn more about Hall-Green, you can check out https://www.hall-green.com/.
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