Al-Isra: Practical Lessons from the Night Journey
00:00 Start
00:47 Introduction - Blessing of Rajab
01:24 Quran Recitation 17:1
02:36 Brief Recap
04:15 Who does the ending of the Ayah refer to?
08:29 Two Views - Body & Soul, or Soul Only
12:34 Evidence that it was Body & Soul
26:00 Start of the Isra
28:47 Shaqq al-Sadr - Splitting the Chest
50:31 How to clean our hearts
1:04:45 Closing
1:05:47 Gaza Fundraiser
Goodwill International Foundation
FNB Cheque: 6283 2797 205
Reference: Gaza
More Info Contact: +27 64 9000 570