Holly Arida is an entrepreneur turned Cranbrook teacher, and now, a Director of a non-profit that is a talent pipeline for Detroit youth. Holly looks back at her 20 year storied career here at Cranbrook and her many partnerships at the school that led to exciting learning opportunities for teachers and students.
We will also hear from Jace Danielewicz CK'22 and Victor Berger CK'22, two co-founders of YouthTank Detroit, the social enterprise launched by Holly with students in her entrepreneurship classes to provide alternate career pathways for high school students in the city.
YouthTank is a startup incubator for high school student-led businesses in Detroit. In their after-school and summer programs, young entrepreneurs actually test their business ideas and flex career-ready skills though action-based learning.
Aim High is a production of Cranbrook Kingswood School and is produced by University FM.
Selected Quotes:A question to ask yourself when thinking about entrepreneurial idea
24:11 - When thinking about the entrepreneurial idea you want to pursue, ask yourself, "What breaks your heart?" And what breaks my heart is when young people don't realize their potential. Because either, the system inequities, that goes for students with learning differences as well. A lot of different kind of inequities need an education built for them to succeed. And to have those opportunities to believe in themselves and stretch themselves. I think that's made a difference in anybody's life.
Clearing the way is a responsibility we all have.
25:11 - Clearing the way is a responsibility we all have. Every young person, I fervently believe, deserves an education that works for them. And it's been great working with Cranbrook students to see that happen.
On doing work that brings people together
16:02 - Cranbrook was built out of the ingenuity and wealth of the city in many ways. We were wanting to draw attention to that connection. I think a lot of my work was about bringing people together that might not be together.
On the intentions of Youth Tank
29:40 [Jace ‘22] Our intention is to supply students in Detroit and kids in general with the necessary skills to be entrepreneurs. So, what is seen as the average path for people in our area is middle school, high school, then college, then get a job. And that average path doesn't work for every kid, especially every kid in Detroit.
About The Guests:Holly Arida, Educator & Entrepreneur-in-Residence
Combining my entrepreneurial business career with my role as an educator, I've mentored thousands of students in real-world skills and leadership. Recently, I worked alongside industrious high school students to design of our new student-led business incubator: YouthTank.
Our social enterprise operates at the nexus of community, business, innovation and education. We are grateful for the warm welcome we received in the city of Detroit. YouthTank is proud to partner with people and organizations who share our belief that the next generation are ready create, lead, and contribute to society, NOW. I am happiest when I am working with kids in my hometown of Detroit.
Jace Danielewicz
Jace graduated from Cranbrook in 2022. He is currently at the College of Creative Studies, studying transportation design.
Victor Berger
Victor graduated from Cranbrook in 2022. He is a Business Major at the Miami University of Ohio.