Anna was a young widow. Her husband died after just seven years of marriage. And then for the next 60+ years she never left the temple, but worshiped and prayed and waited for the Messiah.
What would it feel like to wait that long for something? What might keep her from losing hope?
That’s what we’ll explore in this episode of Given Voice. This is season 1, episode 1, Advent Hope: Anna.
Anna’s story can be found in Luke 2:36-38. Please read it for yourself! You can also find a listening guide with personal reflection and group discussion questions at givenvoice.com.
Written and produced by Amy Walters
Theme music by Clara Degenhart
Logo photo by Lionello DelPiccolo on Unsplash
Sound Effect by freesound_community from Pixabay
- Sound Effect by Maria Malm from Pixabay
- Sound Effect by Mikhail from Pixabay