
  • #59 Why "A Storied Table?"

    Life is a lot, and (God love ‘em) kids add an extra level of crazy. You never stop, and every ding from your phone induces another level of anxiety - whether it’s a negative notification from the news or a text from the groomer that you forgot to pick up the dog… again.

    It's like you're juggling more than actually living, and you’re left wondering where the heck all your joy went.

    As much as you want to some days, you know you can’t throw in the towel.

    Come sit, take a break, and hang out. Let’s get you in a better headspace and re-light that fire in your soul.

    Let’s have some fun and help you find the joy in everyday life again.

    Welcome to a storied table.
    I’m so glad that you’re here.

    Love, AK

    Come say hello! @astoriedtable on Instagram or shoot me an email at ak@astoriedtable.com and come check out the new website at www.astoriedtable.com.

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    12 分
  • #58 A New Thing and the Story Behind It, Part 2

    Have you ever heard certain concepts, even appreciated them, but couldn't relate to them at all?
    Have you ever had an unexpected slowdown in life that makes you feel like you're not just slowing down, but you're actually going in reverse?
    Have you ever felt life taking you on a totally new trajectory, but have no clue where you're headed?

    Me. I have. Both hands are raised right now. You too?

    Come listen and check out what I learned that I did know, what didn't know, and how I finally got to see what came next.

    And did you know, there's a funny thing about God and puzzle pieces? He usually only gives one piece at a time. In this episode, we get to see one section of the puzzle come together.


    Come say hello! @astoriedtable on Instagram or shoot me an email at ak@astoriedtable.com and come check out the new website at www.astoriedtable.com.

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    25 分
  • #57 A New Thing and the Story Behind It, Part 1

    Have you ever looked back at the events or stories of your past year and finally realized how it all connects together? It took looking back, and zooming out before you could actually see the bigger picture.

    I did, and it finally dawned on me that certain things in 2023 were the jolt I needed to get me to make some big shifts. Unfortunately, not all jolts are painless. But, I feel like all these things came together and they are the reasons for the new way I've been doing life this year.

    Why am I telling you this whole backstory before explaining why the podcast got a total rebrand?

    A: It will make it all make more sense.
    B: I believe you'll find yourself in some of these stories, and you realize that you're not alone and they will give you new hope and a new perspective.

    I hope you enjoy these preview episodes before the official launch of A Storied Table.

    Take care!

    Episode References:
    - Christy Wright, Author, Coach, Podcaster, www.christywright.com
    - Adrienne Richardson, PowerPlay Media, www.wearepowerplay.com
    - Jess Henning, Brand Designer, Book Launch Coach, www.jesshenning.com

    Come say hello! @astoriedtable on Instagram or shoot me an email at ak@astoriedtable.com and come check out the new website at www.astoriedtable.com.

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    20 分
  • #56 Hidden Barriers in Business & Life

    “I’ve never had anyone care enough, to spend the time, and help me figure out what was really going on underneath what I thought was holding me back.”

    These were Ashley’s words to me after we finished her Breakthrough Session. It was that moment that I knew I was meant to help more women like her.

    Ashley is brilliant, strong, unbelievably resilient, and she can even be a bit intimidating at times. So when we spent the time to uncover what was really going on, you could have knocked us over with a feather. It was completely unexpected!

    Listen and learn about how these revelations helped Ashley start addressing hurdles in every part of her life, and how by doing this she id now equipped and ready to fearlessly pursue her entrepreneurial journey in full force!


    Free Workshop - Details & Registration

    Be a Referral Partner - earn $100 per referral

    Come say hello! @astoriedtable on Instagram or shoot me an email at ak@astoriedtable.com and come check out the new website at www.astoriedtable.com.

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    21 分
  • #55 Finding Clarity & Direction After Life’s Storms

    Tarah faced more in a few years than most do in a lifetime. After losing her sister to breast cancer, her mother to early onset Alzheimer’s, and realizing all her writing had virtually disappeared, Tarah needed a massive break.

    Tarah learned a lot about herself over the past several years. I’m so glad The Collective was able to be part of her recovery and path forward as she’s stepped back into the writing world.

    In this episode, she shares how working with The Collective helped her sort out what was mentally holding her back. Listen to what she did to start pursuing her passions all over again.


    Free Workshop - Details & Registration

    Be a Referral Partner - earn $100 per referral

    Come say hello! @astoriedtable on Instagram or shoot me an email at ak@astoriedtable.com and come check out the new website at www.astoriedtable.com.

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    27 分
  • #54 The Problem with Entrepreneurship | Analysis Paralysis & Brain Fog

    Would you like your very own yellow brick road? Sounds great, right!? A guided path with friends that help you get where you're going.

    I wish! Instead, we usually find those few precious, uninterrupted minutes, to get some work done and we find ourselves completely paralyzed, sitting in a fog, trying to figure out where exactly we're going with this business and how the heck we're going to get there!

    Today’s episode sums up our season 4 kick-off theme, The Problem with Entrepreneurship. Going after big things is hard! But don’t let these 2 problems of fogginess and paralysis stop you in your tracks.

    Listen and learn, and walk away with 4 points (well, 1 point and 3 questions for you to think on) and an invitation to our new FREE workshop launching October 3rd!

    We want to help you get clear in your business and get you going!


    • Simon Sinek TedTalk, YouTube Link
    • Register for our FREE workshop, The Problem with Entrepreneurship: How to Get Clear & Get Going!
    • Want to be a Referral Partner? Sign up to spread the word and earn $100 per registration for our new course on Growing Your Business without Losing Your Mind!


    Are you ready to breakthrough and unlock the real potential inside your business?
    Get more info and book your BREAKTHROUGH Session here!

    Come say hello! @astoriedtable on Instagram or shoot me an email at ak@astoriedtable.com and come check out the new website at www.astoriedtable.com.

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    12 分
  • #53 The Problem with Entrepreneurship | The Urgency to Do It All

    As a wife, a mom, and an entrepreneur, have you ever been stuck in your overwhelm?

    That need to get it ALL done?

    It's time we start taming that sense of urgency. Seriously, don't we already have enough on our plates?! Why add a whole huge topping of shame too.

    Taming that overwhelming weight hanging over us is as simple as a few steps. The tricky part is remembering to use them.

    Listen and let's work through this problem with entrepreneurship together!

    Are you ready to breakthrough and unlock the real potential inside your business?
    Get more info and book your BREAKTHROUGH Session here!

    Come say hello! @astoriedtable on Instagram or shoot me an email at ak@astoriedtable.com and come check out the new website at www.astoriedtable.com.

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    14 分
  • #52 The Problem with Entrepreneurship | The 1-Woman-Show

    The problem with entrepreneurship is that we feel like we have to do everything ourselves. But do we? Or is that just a trap we fall in to?

    We have to be proactive, defensive even, to avoid that trap we are all guilty of. Being a mom and a business owner (while also wearing about 15+ other hats on a daily basis) is hard enough!

    Listen to learn how you can dodge that trap and get the relief that comes from finding your people.

    Talk soon!

    Come say 'hello!' @inside.thecollective on Instagram
    Learn more about The Collective @ www.insidethecollective.com

    Come say hello! @astoriedtable on Instagram or shoot me an email at ak@astoriedtable.com and come check out the new website at www.astoriedtable.com.

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    12 分