
  • They Called Me Pipes

    Welcome back to APFNO! In this, the 13th episode, Grace interviews herself and does a wonderful job at tripping over her own words and taking a long time to say things! We've got some jolly good fun ahead in this episode, some High School Musical in a Scottish Accent, and so much more that I can't remember while I'm typing this! Hop on the Season 2 train as we begin the wildest ride in the wilderness! 

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    47 分
  • Geena Massara - 99% Extrovert

    Throwing it back to days of wearing plaid vests and finding boys to date in confirmation class with Geena Massara!! Woot woot! Geena and Grace became bffs when they were seated next to each other in choir because of their last names. And it was love at first uncomfortable plastic chair they sat in. Enjoy talks of middle school and high school while exploring the world that Geena and Grace have grown into. Though, of course, we still agree that LOST is the best, and Charlie is the best of LOST. Have fuuuuuuuun! 

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    1 時間 24 分
  • Cooper Baldwin - We Did Great Without GATE!

    Welcome to the APFNO fam, Cooper Baldwin!! Woohoo!! In this episode, Grace and Cooper learn a bit more about each other in silly and endearing ways! Cooper is a musical genius and we get a little insight on how music came to be a part of his life. ALSO, listen for the working title of the upcoming hit tv show starring Cooper's own family! We do a little deep dive into middle school show choir and we found youtube videos and oh my we were such babies. The highlight of the episode comes at the top when we do a critical analysis of Nicole Kidman's recent, controversial appearance in AMC theatres. She sure chose an interesting group of films. Always remember - heartbreak feels good in a place like this! 

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    1 時間 29 分
  • Tyler Eley - The Joy is in the F'in Journey

    Okay y'all. Put on your laughing shoes and get ready for giggly walk in the funhouse. I don't know what that means but what I do know is that this episode may be longer than Gone With The Wind, but it's a lot funnier!! Tyler Eley joins and wooooooow is it a lot of good, weird conversation. We talk about theatre, being abducted by aliens, running naked through Times Square, cheese, Disney, CVS and oh so much more. Like almost three hours more. Get ready to pee your pants because we are funny!! Listen now! 

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    2 時間 46 分
  • Sydney Deeter - Umbrella Picnics!!!

    What is an Umbrella Picnic? What is the Universe ever expanding into? What is a Lil Pa Pignose? These are the essential questions we answer in this episode. Sydney Deeter is back and we both ask the things we know everyone wants to hear. We've got more farts, we have deep moments, we have book recommendations. All of it! Enjoy yourself! 

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    1 時間 28 分
  • Sydney Deeter - Cookie Dough Balls on the Ceiling

    Back together again for the first time on this podcast! Grace and Syd, or Squid as she was called by young Grace, reminisce about literally all the things they ever did together as children. And oh my is it gold. From forcing our neighbors to watch a three hour show,  collecting bee-bees (I don't know how to spell that and I don't want to look it up) so birds and other friendly animals wouldn't choke, learning all the High School Musical dances, to farts and burps, we talk about it all. Best friends back together again. This is one you will most definitely laugh about. Enjoy! 

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    1 時間 11 分
  • Deck the Halls with Claire's Earrings

    Merry Christmas!! It's that time of year and since this is the last episode of 2021, Grace reflects on this past year and the year before because let's be real it does not feel like it's about to be 2022. She talks about hiking misadventures, happy findings, running through the rain in a hurricane/flash flood/tornado warning, and of course her cats. When does she not talk about her cats. The theme of this episode is JOY! Life is about finding happiness even if in the smallest things. SO DO THAT!

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    1 時間 22 分
  • Episode 6: Eric Parker - "Shhh...Illegal Italian Bread"

    Welcome Eric Parker to Episode 6! From little show choir kids in Burbank to blossomed adult New Yorkers, Grace and Eric talk about everything from the problems with social media, to scary scrumptious adventures in Rome, to our character breakdowns. Enjoy! It's quite the giggly episode. 

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    1 時間 22 分