How do you go where you’ve never been before?
How do you find the way when your path becomes obscured?
How do you continue?
Intention is how you go where you've never gone, do what you've never done, and become what you really are.
Intention admits that all is not known.
Intention continues beyond the boundaries that old selves shied away from.
This episode is for my lovers and jesters, quirky poets and sensitive creators. This is for my beloved friends, those provoking changes in consciousness, those Souls compelled to be of service to a world beyond themselves. Here’s to you, my friend.
May you discover within you the indomitable essence of your Being. May you discover that it is less what you say, less what you do, and more the tone of your authenticity that rings most true. And in an age driven to distort, this resonant tone shines brighter than you could possibly imagine.
The flow of truth is light. The flow of you is light.
May you remember. May this life be for life. I am here, with you, completely.
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