Interview by www.buildperspectives.com
Nick Gray is on a mission to get 500 people to build new connections using his new "The 2-hour Cocktail Party" book and format NICK (Name tags, Icebreakers, Cocktails only, Kick them out at the end).
Nick is the founder of Museum Hack and the best-selling author of "How to Make New Friends" and "Build Big Relationships".
He discusses the value when you bring together a mixed group of people with simplicity but added structure to ensure everyone makes meaningful connections. He offers many tools and tactics for anyone who wants to create successful mixers and events to expand your network and reach your goals.
- Tim is presenting on some of this at www.Advancing-Prefabrication.com. Use Discount Code BP10 for 10% off and join us in Phoenix March 14-17th, 2023
- You can check out and support my housing column at www.LaymansGuide.com and Carolina's online course at www.HowToJobsite.com
- www.TimSeims.com