Welcome to the LeadHership Athletics Podcast a space for athletes, parents, coaches, and administrators to help HER the female athlete OWN HER POWER in the WORLD. My name is Coach Ashley Carter and I am your host, your mentor, and your coach.
On this week's episode, Dr. Stephanie Haft, our PhD. Level Clinical Psychologist on staff and I discuss pressure, authenticity, & re-calibrating our purpose. We determined that authenticity is the ability to show up as yourself 100% of the time instead of only showing certain parts of you within certain groups. We would ask you the same question; How are you showing up as yourself, in all spaces? And then when it comes to purpose we have to ask and answer the question WHY?
You got this!
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🎤Book Coach Carter to come speak to your team, organization, athlete 🎤
Visit: https://leadhershipathletics.com/speaking/
Email us: info@leadhershipathletics.com