Synopsis: Address the dynamics of leadership and partnership within a marriage. Help men understand when to step up as a leader and when it’s important to follow their wife’s lead for the health of the relationship.
Episode Guide:
Discuss what healthy leadership in a marriage looks like.
What can you do to strengthen your marriage?
Never stop getting to know each other.
We cannot love someone we don’t know.
The most stable couples have a strong friendship as their foundation.
Play together
Schedule regular dates.
Keep focusing on the good things about your partner.
You should aim for at least five positive experiences for every negative one (smiling, touching, laughing, complementing).
Habitually turn toward each other.
Make a regular practice of spending 15-minutes together at the end of your day.
Let your partner influence you.
Develop a habit and process for addressing conflict.
Develop a shared purpose. Agree on the big purposes for life and marriage.
Share examples of when it’s important to follow her lead.
Play to Individual Strengths
In many relationships, the wife may naturally excel in areas such as organization, decision-making, or long-term planning.
For example, if your wife is more financially savvy or excels at managing the household, it makes sense for her to lead in those areas.
Offer tips for balancing decision-making without power struggles.
The “two-yes rule.
1. It Promotes Thoughtful Decision-Making
2. It Encourages Healthy Communication And Trust
3. It Supports Individuality Within A Partnership
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