Joe is not drunk, but his creepy guitar-playing suggests it.
Smith refers to this Vic Berger video about Ted Cruz, and this Vic Berger video about Jon Voight. Smith also talks about this part of a Vsauce video featuring the voice of presidential assassin JWB. Definitely JWB. Then there’s this scene from Idiocracy (2006). There’s also this short of Tyson walking away from an interview with his buns, plus MJ doing the first Man on the MW. Joe refers to this guitar for JP. There was no easily available YT video of an LDS hymn on a Chapman Stick, but there was a wonderful consolation prize: this. Joe refers back to this chart/scene from Idiocracy.
Joe refers back to this other Radiohead song which was recorded while Thom sang his vocals in reverse or something. TBH, he mistook it for this one, which would also be super cool in reverse too. Joe talks about the music video for REM’s Pop Song ‘89 which features people sans tops. Here’s the B&B version. Find your own version, if ya nasty. Joe makes everyone take an axolotl break. Then Joe refers back to this episode of The Dollop about an early LDS branch. The guys love Pete Holmes and Joe tells Smith about the BCPE film. No reward on the pork store from the Talking Sopranos podcast.
Presented by Catchall Audio
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org
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