Areas with predominantly Black populations, especially inner cities, have been intentionally divested from for decades. How do we reinvest in those areas without displacing that same population, given the reality of the political and economic system we live in today? Anthony Kimble joins us to discuss exactly that.
If bank presidents, government leaders, and every seat of power that created divested areas decided to intentionally reverse those actions, then the problem would be solved. But that’s probably not going to happen any time soon. So how, as real estate professionals, do we do our part?
Anthony gives us his perspective as a successful developer in Baton Rouge, including the importance of starting with small projects. He lays out a passionate but grounded case for how we need to unite and build long-lasting economic and political power.
This is an episode you’re going to want to listen to over and over again.
- Learn more at The Color of Money
- Follow Anthony Kimble on Instagram: @b_anthonykimble
- Watch “Creating Ecosystems Through Real Estate & Group Economics by Anthony Kimble”
- Subscribe to the “How Buy the Block” Youtube channel
- Learn more at akimbleproperty.com
- Become a real estate agent HERE
Connect with Our Hosts
Emerick Peace:
- Instagram: @theemerickpeace
- Facebook: facebook.com/emerickpeace
Daniel Dixon:
- Instagram: @dixonsoldit
- Facebook: facebook.com/realdanieldixon
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dixonsoldit
- YouTube: @dixongroupcompanies
Julia Lashay:
- Instagram: @iamjulialashay
- Facebook: facebook.com/growwithjulia
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/julialashay/
- YouTube: @JuliaLashay
Bo Menkiti
- Instagram: @themenkitigroup
- Facebook: facebook.com/obiora.menkiti
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bomenkiti/
Produced by NOVA
This podcast is for general informational purposes only. The guest's views, thoughts, and opinions represent those of the guest and not KWRI and its affiliates and should not be construed as financial, economic, legal, tax, or other advice. This podcast is provided without any warranty, or guarantee of its accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or results from using the information.
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