An overview of why a chest CT scan is required in most cases of interstitial lung disease / pulmonary fibrosis. The CT scan is a radiological investigation which offers a 3D picture of the lung tissue, to see where the pulmonary fibrosis (lung scarring) is located, the pattern of fibrosis, and other important lung features which may help your doctor to determine the right treatment, further investigations and tests required, as well as the risk of the fibrosis getting worse over time (progression).
You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8aesObW1RFA The simple chest X ray can also pick up pulmonary fibrosis, however this is a 2D image, may miss early disease and cannot describe the pattern of the scarring. The CT scan used to investigate pulmonary fibrosis is called a High Resolution CT scan (HRCT). It is done without i.v. contrast, as the contrast can make some interstitial lung disease changes appear worse than they are. ALWAYS! check with your doctor before having a CT scan, as they are the best person to advise if this investigation is necessary in your case, and they can interpret the findings together with other conditions and symptoms you may have. #pulmonaryfibrosis #ild