I commend you for the hard work during the past week. I cannot even imagine how the week passed by. It really passed by so quickly that I don’t even know what I have done. It was really tiring to hold the revival meeting and I am so exhausted with other things that I wish the Lord really would come quickly. I wish the Lord would come quickly when I think of just myself, but on the other hand, I want Him to come after a long time when I think of the people who have not yet been born again. It is really tiring as it is written, “All things are full of labor; Man cannot express it” (Ecclesiastes 1:8). The world is tiring and our hearts of the righteous are also very tired from overwork. There was so much work this week that I feel like I have lived one full year in a week. I really want our Lord to come to this world as soon as possible and I want to live in the beautiful place without lacking and live in comfort and relaxation. That’s how I really feel. Therefore I want to share the gospel even more quickly, so that our Lord would come quickly. We must preach the gospel even more quickly so that our Lord would come quickly.