View Episode 47 Show Notes on our website here.
Trevor and Tarren Bragdon discuss how to think about fundraising for a startup nonprofit.
We have a lot of people new to fundraising who find us through the podcast and we’d wanted to do a podcast specifically for fundraising for a startup nonprofit.
- 3 phases of a Startup Nonprofit
- Idea phase - Finding the product and market fit
- Read the book The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick
- Proof phase - show your idea works - pilot or small scale success
- Scale phase - figuring out how to take things that work on a small scale and make them work on large scale
- Idea phase - Finding the product and market fit
- Theory of Change Formula
- What is the Problem
- What is your Solution?
- Why are you the best team to solve the Problem?
- Write out your theory of change in less than 140 words.
- Refine and edit.
- You'll want to be able to explain it in about 1 minute
- How to introduce yourself - to new people and talk about your nonprofit
- Problem, Solution and then a Story
- Introduction from The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Alan Dibs
- “You know how [state the problem you solve]. Well I’m starting a nonprofit that [insert your solution here]. In fact, [give a story about your solution]”
- Start working on your pitch -
- See our short video on How to Build a Pitch
- Elevator Close Video
- We have a video on this and a short course on Udemy on how to build a pitch - almost 600 students enrolled
- See our short video on How to Build a Pitch
- Phase 2 the Proof phase - showing your idea works - pilot or small scale success
- Communication with donors key
- Start thinking about the size of the nonprofit you want to create
- Building out your team
Wrap up
- To grow your fundraising as a Startup, focus on these steps.
- Idea Phase
- Ask why isn’t this done already
- Develop out your theory of change
- Create your introduction and begin your pitch
- Begin testing your idea on a small scale
- Pitch donors and listen to their feedback
- Expect a lot of No’s
- Proof Phase
- Decide the type of nonprofit you want to build
- Build out your team
- Figure out how to scale
- Idea Phase
To see all the show notes visit: https://www.7figurefundraising.com/podcast/
To learn more about fundraising and our training visit: 7FigureFundraising.com