In this episode of Project Mindfully Outdoors, host Mike Martin dives into a captivating winter tale inspired by folklore, featuring the legendary figure Davy Crockett. The story unfolds in a chilling world where dawn has frozen solid, trapping the sun between ice blocks and halting the Earth's rotation. As the sun's rays dangle like yellow icicles, Davy, returning from a successful hunt, realizes he must act quickly to save the day. With a freshly caught bear on his back, he ingeniously uses the hot carcass to melt the ice and free the sun. After giving it a decisive kick to send it spinning again, Davy manages to light his pipe from the very flames of the sun, capturing a piece of sunrise to take home. Join Mike as he reflects on themes of resilience and resourcefulness, drawing parallels to our modern outdoor experiences. Tune in for an engaging mix of storytelling and insightful discussions on nature, survival, and the spirit of adventure that defines our connection to the great outdoors. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices