In this episode of Marvel Of The Minds, Nametag Alexander and Peace Of Mind dive into the twists and turns of “Marvel’s What If?…” Season 3. They rank all eight episodes, debate their favorites, and explore why this season marks the end of the series. Plus, they discuss the notable absences of Kang, Deadpool, and more X-Men characters, speculating on what it could mean for the Marvel Cinematic Universe moving forward. Tune in for an in-depth review. Instagram: @marveloftheminds @nametagalexander @peaceofmind313 Facebook Group: Marvel Of The Minds Tik Tok: @marveloftheminds Merch 👇🏾 https://leadandbelegendary.storenvy.com Search and follow both Nametag Alexander and Peace Of Mind on your preferred apps to stream and buy music. Subscribe the pod https://link.chtbl.com/1Tq501A5