Braga, King, and Ski talk:
:15: the return of the pod, Braga's escapades in Spain, pours vs poors, basic Brits.
24:23: tOSU dominating the natty, fixing the playoff, the best Oregon teams at the worst times, the standards for successful coaches.
48:22: The final B1G lines, Reagan as the worst POTUS, betting against the Chiefs.
1:08:44: Top 3 SportsCenter anchors.
:15: the return of the pod, Braga's escapades in Spain, pours vs poors, basic Brits.
24:23: tOSU dominating the natty, fixing the playoff, the best Oregon teams at the worst times, the standards for successful coaches.
48:22: The final B1G lines, Reagan as the worst POTUS, betting against the Chiefs.
1:08:44: Top 3 SportsCenter anchors.