Adam Weitsman, renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist, shares his extraordinary journey of perseverance, hard work, and redemption. From humble beginnings in a small-town scrap yard to running a multi-million-dollar recycling empire, Adam reflects on the pivotal moments that shaped his life, including overcoming personal challenges, serving time in prison, and rebuilding his career. Adam opens up about the lessons he learned from his mistakes, the unwavering support of his family, and his commitment to giving back through his charitable endeavors. He also discusses his passion for social media, the role of gratitude in his life, and his vision for empowering the next generation. Join us for an inspiring conversation about resilience, integrity, and finding success against all odds. Each week, Tim and Troy will sit down with interesting people to have thoughtful conversations. The guests will range from celebrities, athletes, academics, doctors, authors, and more. As Tim battles his ALS diagnosis, nothing is out of bounds and there will be nothing left unsaid. SPONSORS ElevenLabs: Thanks to ElevenLabs (https://elevenlabs.io) for supporting this episode and powering Tim’s voice. Barclay Damon: Thank you to my law firm, for supporting this episode (https://www.barclaydamon.com). SOCIAL Website: https://tgnlu.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/nlutimgreen Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NLUpod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nlupod/ AUDIO ONLY Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5fhcANt7CSnYvgBlgxpVVa Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nothing-left-unsaid/id1734094890 PERSONAL: Tackle ALS: https://www.tackleals.com Tim Green Books: https://authortimgreen.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices