I have a cathartic and insightful roundtable discussion with guests Rev. Jennifer Watley Maxell and Rev. Dr. Dominique A. Robinson to discuss P&G’s commercial “The Talk,” the legacy of Jim Crow racial etiquette and its impact on how we were raised, raise children and interact with the world around us.
P&G Commercial “The Talk” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdV2f4jH5YQ
Special Guests: Rev. Jennifer Watley Maxell:Co-Founder of the church plant, The Breakthrough Fellowship and the Founder of the Illipses Experience for Women and Teen Girls - www.jenniferwatleymaxell.com; Rev. Dr. Dominique Robinson: Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Shaw Temple AME Zion Church in Smyrna, GA. Creator and Curator of the iHomeletic - www.dominiquearobinson.com
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The John Hope Franklin Research Center for African and African American History and Culture at Duke University and their Behind the Veil Oral History Project. - https://repository.duke.edu/dc/behindtheveil
#TalkAboutBias #jimcrow #createtension #MyBlackIsBeautiful #BlackLivesMatter #JimCrowLives