Thanks for coming back Lonely Writers! Today I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with Nathan Whitlock, author of the dark, satiric novel LUMP.
LUMP is a dark comedy about marriage, motherhood, privilege, and power, about a woman whose attempt to escape crises in her health and marriage ends up causing only more chaos.
This episode is basically a love letter to Nathan’s wife, a talented writer in her own right and the many other female writers who have inspired much of his writing, but it’s also a deeply inspirational conversation about writing amid the deepest grief and finding your way back to the story.
Make sure to pick up a copy of LUMP if you haven’t already and you can stay connected with Nathan by following him on social or online at https://www.nathanwhitlock.ca/
You can follow our host, Eden Boudreau on instagram and twitter at @edenboudreau, and don’t forget to give the show a follow to be the first to know about new episodes @dearlonelywriterpodcast