Emma and Will sing about the periodic table! Wait what the... *checks notes*... who wrote these notes... *double checks notes*... this can't be right... *throws out notes*. Emma and Will talk about the May 2024 MMMM puzzle? Yes that sounds much more likely. Spoilers for "Gold-Plated Record" ahead!
Links of interest:
Muller Monthly Music Meta: https://pmxwords.com/
"Gold-Plated Record" by Will Pfadenhauer, Pete Muller, Mack Meller, and Andrew White: https://pmxwords.com/2024-puzzle-5-gold-plated-record/
Pete Muller's solution (and cover of the meta answer!) to "Gold-Plated Record": https://pmxwords.com/2024-puzzle-5-gold-plated-record-solution/
"Muller Monthly Music Meta, May MMXXIV" on Crossword Fiend: https://crosswordfiend.com/2024/05/12/muller-monthly-music-meta-may-mmxxiv/#more-160108
"Gold-Plated Record" discussion on XWord Muggles Forum: https://xword-muggles.com/viewtopic.php?t=2882
MMMM on the Washington Post's website: https://www.washingtonpost.com/crossword-puzzles/monthly-music-meta/
Other element-al puzzles:
"Table Setting" by Evan Birnholz: in the CCCC puzzle pack, information below on how to get that!
"Addition Reactions" by Mikey G: https://crosshare.org/crosswords/R6ftkA9uIUyk7hMlhfn3/addition-reactions
"AP Chemistry" by Pete Muller & Milo Beckman (WSJ Contest 7/12/2019), Crossword Fiend write-up: https://crosswordfiend.com/2019/07/14/wsj-contest-friday-july-12-2019/
"It's Elementary" by Emma Oxford (Universal 8/13/2020), Crossword Fiend write-Up: https://crosswordfiend.com/2020/08/12/thursday-august-13-2020/#un
Untitled by Jack Murtagh (NYT 12/10/2020), Crossword Fiend write-up: https://crosswordfiend.com/2020/12/09/thursday-december-10-2020/#ny
"A-to-Z Crosswords" Kickstarter from Peter Gordon (live through June 2, 2024):
Contest Crosswords Combating Cancer (CCCC): crosswordsforcancer.com
1. Make a donation (suggested amount $13) to a cancer-related charity.
2. Email a copy of your receipt to crosswordsforcancer@gmail.com.
3. Receive puzzle pack!
4 (optional but encouraged). Tell other people to do steps 1-3.
Is anybody reading this? Please confirm.
Want to get in touch with us? We would love to hear from you! You can reach Emma at damefoxwords@gmail.com, and you can reach Will at pandorasblockswmc@gmail.com. We may read your letter on a future episode!
Podcast hosting by Buzzsprout
Music by FASSounds from Pixabay