Welcome to Jesus Pursuit Church! Today’s message is a panel of leaders sharing about the history and vision for the future of Jesus Pursuit Church. Steve and Derene Shultz of ElijahStreams also share, pray, and prophesy over Jesus Pursuit Church and the leaders. Check out other videos on our YouTube homepage! Our team regularly prays for our online community so if you need prayer or encouragement reach out to us! Subscribe for more content from JPC! Tune in Sunday mornings LIVE at 10 am PST for LIVE worship! To GIVE, go to https://jesuspursuit.org/give For current events and announcements, go to https://jesuspursuit.org/announcements For more information about our community go to, https://jesuspursuit.org About Jesus Pursuit Church: Jesus Pursuit Church is an apostolic community where people encounter God, are transformed, and advance the kingdom. We exist to know Jesus Christ and to make him famous in Albany, the Northwest, and the nations.