My guest today is Tiago Forte author of "Building a Second Brain."
Tiago Forte is one of the world’s foremost experts on productivity and has taught thousands of people around the world how timeless principles and the latest technology can revolutionize their productivity, creativity, and personal effectiveness.
Get his book here: https://amzn.to/3ghadcn
[00:00-01:24] - What is a Second Brain?
[01:25] - How Tiago become a productivity expert
[03:15] - How to start building your second brain
[06:30] - What is the BEST note-taking app
[10:00] - Note-taking vs. Note-giving
[13:00] - Strategies for highlighting books/notes
[15:15] - Consuming information vs Applying information
[18:45] - Tiago's famous PARA framework
[22:30] - Lifechanging stories from building a second brain
[27:30] - Lessons from James Clear
[31:20] - Tiago's book-writing process
[37:15] - Read, learn, and APPLY
[38:30] - Key takeaways from "Building A Second Brain"
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