Welcome back to episode 29! This week we discuss the Saweetie and Quavo elevator video, a true crime story, what you can see when looking in a person’s eyes, the dangers of off brand hand sanitizer, more horrors of American history, plastic surgery, the types of people you encounter working retail
Check us out on Instagram: @yougotuspodcast @taylorrena_murphy
Have questions or want advice? Let us know! Visit our website: Yougotuspodcast.com Smoke Cannabis and live in SoCal? Enjoy 30% off your Grassdoor order.
Grassdoor 30% off link
Check us out on Instagram: @yougotuspodcast @taylorrena_murphy
Have questions or want advice? Let us know! Visit our website: Yougotuspodcast.com Smoke Cannabis and live in SoCal? Enjoy 30% off your Grassdoor order.
Grassdoor 30% off link