Join Callum & Craig for another episode of the Therapy Files. In this episode, they consider Counsellors & Psychotherapists and their experiences of mental health. As two individuals who have experience of mental illness, they consider their own personal views and reflect on how their lived experiences of mental health have positively impacted their work as a qualified therapist and a trainee respectively.
References consulted for this episode:
- Benziman, G., Kannai, R. and Ahmad, A. (2012). The Wounded Healer as Cultural Archetype. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 14(1).
- Page, S. (1999). The shadow and the counsellor : working with darker aspects of the person, role and profession. London ; New York: Routledge, pp.72–92.
- Sherman, M. (1996). Distress and professional impairment due to mental health problems among psychotherapists. Clinical Psychology Review, 16(4), pp.299–315.
Need support?
Visit the following organisations for support if you need it after listening to this episode:
- Home | Mind
- Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen
- How to access mental health services - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
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