Kelly Cullen shares seven ways you can get healthy by making small, transformative decisions.
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Today's Guest: Kelly Cullen is a Naturopath, Holistic Health Practitioner, Weight Loss Specialist and Nutritional Consultant and Public Speaker. She schedules one-on-one or group consultations that can be done in person or remote. Kelly believes that our bodies were made to heal, and when given the right tools, we are better equipped to do just that.
Show Sponsor: Enter the year with peace and comfort through this 6-day devotional on Psalm 23, Lead on Good Shepherd. Pick up your copy (use code KATIE23 for $2 off) and join us in the Martha + Mary Show Sisterhood Group on Facebook as we walk through this devotional together.
Things We Talk About:
- Pleasant Wellness
- Schedule a consult with Kelly
- Hydration
- Sunshine
- Reverse Osmosis
- Nutrition/Digestion
- Deep Nutrition book
- 3 John 1:2
- Exercise
- Good Sleep
- Psalm 139:13-18
- Healthy Emotions
- Fresh Air
- Follow Kelly on Pinterest
Connect with Us:
- The Martha + Mary Show webpage
- Podcast Group on Facebook: Martha and Mary Show Sisterhood
- IG Handles: @leenienhuis @katie_m_reid @pleasantwellnessmi
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