Dust... dust everywhere as far as the eye can see. The only sign of life: a few candy-colored camels and some chain-smoking elderly throwing down in a Microsoft classic. Desperate for a drink of board games, you make your way down to the infamous bunker. The Pantry... that's what the elders called it after you threw them a few fish for pay. But what is it and how does one harness its power?
Games we played:
4:06 - Cribbage (1630, Sir John Suckling, public domain)
8:45 - Scene It? (2002, Craig Kinzer and Dave Long, Mattel)
14:02 - Riichi Mahjong (1920, uncredited, public domain)
23:05 - Through the Desert (1998, Reiner Knizia, Z-Man)
100 games before you die:
27:21 - Patchwork (2014, Uwe Rosenberg, Lookout)
32:45 - Resolutions
2025 Challenges - https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/344861/2025-boardgaming-challenges-overview
48:25 - The Pantry
Join us at SaltCON Spring, Feb 27 - Mar 2 https://saltcon.com/spring
100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus
ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning
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