hour one: "blue train" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy "candy apple morning" nikki o'neill "a space to dream" nikki o'neill "conceive the sea" marucoporoporo "shapeshifters" the love pretender "oh no" tekamolo "aluminum stingray girl" guided by voices "lacinia off axis" stefano pilia "I like shoes" [1999] bomis prendin "cap'n fruity" cold cock trio "let me have it (waltz1)" almighty opp "drive" nikki o'neill hour two: "love will lead you home" nikki o'neill "oropharnyx" elka bong "in peril" mike eckstein "the secrets of taxidermy reveal themselves over time" xuarix xubatix "take back what I said" nikki o'neill "a place at the table" nikki o'neill "bedtime story" snore "wormhole" the giant worm "livla" lum and the insterstellar fornicators "extinguishment" barry stock "the light on - sound meditation 1" (excerpt) david first "that's how you lose her" nikki o'neill hour three: "all I wanna be is yours" nikki o'neill "a phoenix across the sea" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band "flop eared mule" (live in detroit 1965) the holy modal rounders "back pain" burnt sugar the arkestra chamber "6_2_toques 01" (excerpt) hubbard-liebig "a man for all seasons" nikki o'neill "world is waiting" nikki o'neill "romeo is dying" tim holehouse "il mitico sette" sulla lingua "the plague" muskeg mudsuck "slow conductor" the illness "you're the only one who gets me" nikki o'neill