hour one: "impressions" (live excerpt from newport, ri on july 1 1961) john coltrane "anytime soon" peter holsapple "the face of 68" peter holsapple "slumber party theme" [1991] bomis prendin "elfin flower with knees" guided by voices "ere" stefano pilia "are glued" position normal "hymn" cluster lizard "jackals" flying vipers "mock the hours" david nance "better to be blind" almighty opp "terminus" cold cock trio "larger than life" peter holsapple hour two: "my idea #49" peter holsapple "boma" marshall allen "ageratum mush vitrine" 16 bard "high high horse" peter holsapple "that kind of guy" peter holsapple "credit line" midwestern medicine "bread and circuses" ray shinn "socio xero" the island "the look of resentment" matt nelson "see about you" peter holsapple hour three: "one for the book" peter holsapple "prelude to an ongoing conversation" al margolis "deflecting" minotaur shock "so sad about sam" peter holsapple "fireflies" peter holsapple "here comes the world" godammit tommy! "denouement" barry stock "the giant worm inc" the giant worm "billy of hillsborough changes" (excerpt) eugene chadbourne "she and me" peter holsapple