
著者: Simon Whiteside and Nicholas Tomalin
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  • Nick Tomalin snd Simon Whiteside host a variety of podcasts about jazz .From the short vignettes of two pianist, five minutes, one podcast through to the Two pianist, Five Podcasts, One subject and in depth look at the life work and piano stylings of single pianists. So far Sonny Clark and Kenny Drew have been covered.
    © 2025 2-5-1
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Nick Tomalin snd Simon Whiteside host a variety of podcasts about jazz .From the short vignettes of two pianist, five minutes, one podcast through to the Two pianist, Five Podcasts, One subject and in depth look at the life work and piano stylings of single pianists. So far Sonny Clark and Kenny Drew have been covered.
© 2025 2-5-1
  • 2-5m-1-S2E44-Jazz and the Beat Writers Part 2

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    This is a follow on to episode 44. We go a bit further into the beat poets reading their poetry with live jazz backing. We talk about City Lights and Steve Allen and more.

    A couple of Corrections

    Howl was first performed by Ginsberg who read a draft of "Howl" at the Six Gallery reading in San Francisco in 1955. Fellow poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti of City Lights Books, who attended the performance, published the work in 1956. Upon the poem's release, Ferlinghetti and the bookstore's manager, Shigeyoshi Murao, were charged with disseminating obscene literature, and both were arrested. On October 3, 1957, Judge Clayton W. Horn ruled that the poem was not obscene.


    Al jazzbo Collins records were with Steve Allen you can watch the records revolve and listen to his righteous Spiel here

    If you haven't already check out our on podium blog on this subject

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  • 2-5m-1-S2E43-Jazz and the Beat Writers Part 1

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    We intended for this to be just one episode but felt that we had a lot more to say and ended up with enough for 2 five minute episode the next will follow in March 1st 2025.

    this is the introduction to a blog on the beats on our website links below

    The Beat movement was a literary movement which emerged in the United States in the post war-era. ‘Beat’ was slang for ‘down and out or poor and exhausted’. Jack Kerouac also spoke of the beat, especially the Jazz beat and also beatitude in a spiritual sense. Central elements of Beat culture were the rejection of standard moral and narrative values, the importance of spiritual quest, rejection of materialism, experimentation with psychedelic drugs and sexual liberation.

    Pivotal works include Alan Ginsberg’s Howl, William Burrough’s Naked Lunch and jack Kerouac’s On The Road. The core group met in 1944 in and around Columbia University in NYC, although later writers settled on the West Coast.

    The beat writers were attracted to jazz and especially bebop because of its, underground, counter-cultural status. The writers were also influenced by the ‘improvisational’ nature of jazz which many tried to replicate in their writing.

    There is a good documentary called " The source" a standard definition version is on You tube here but full fat versions are available to buy from apple or Amazon Prime the imdb page is here

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  • 2-5m-1-S2E42-Intros

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    We are Back after our mid season break so we thought we would start with Intros. We discuss what makes a good intro and what the function of such intros are. With some audio examples

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