Enjoy this special segment of Every Moment Is Sacred where we delve into the beautiful and spiritual poetry of Leslye Layne Russell. In this episode, we explore 'Performance at Wreck Beach,' a poem reflecting a cherished moment in her life.
Learn about Layne's love for dance, performance, and the creative spirit she embodied. Celebrate her legacy with us and feel inspired to find joy and wisdom in your own life.
00:00 Introductory Chant
00:36 Welcome to Every Moment Is Sacred
00:53 Honoring My Mother's Legacy
01:52 Join the Community
02:22 Performance at Wreck Beach
06:07 The Power of Dance
06:40 Closing Thoughts and Gratitude
Website: rainelizabeth.org
Email: healing@rainelizabeth.org
YouTube: @rainelizabethhealingarts
Instagram: @rainelizabethstickney
FB Group: facebook.com/groups/everymomentissacred
Rain’s In Person Winter Retreat Saturday, January 25, 2025
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Thank you to my crew!
Web Design: kojolapower.com
Sound Editing: Ferrara Pan
Intro & Outro Music: Layne Russell and James Russell
Song: May Your Dreams Draw You Gently from My Oh My
And thank you to YOU!!! Your presence is truly a blessing! xoxox
P.S. The intro music is my mother's voice singing a chant she wrote in the 70's. All rights reserved.