Today's episode is sponsored by Paleovalley Make sure to support this podcast and head over to Paleovalley to get 15% off your first order. Thank you for supporting this podcast. EPISODE SUMMARY In this episode, Laura and Judy share the behind-the-scenes around KetoCon Carnivore panels, CIRS, and the upcoming Carnivore Summit. EPISODE NOTES KetoCon 2023 RecapWomen’s Carnivore Panel and HormonesUndereatingHigh-fat Carnivore60 grams is Not Enough ProteinCarnivore Panel – Doctor’s VersionUlcerative Colitis, Rheumatoid ArthritisCarnivore and Fasting HarderPlants are Killing YouCIRS is UndeniableReal Talk – Carnivore and CIRSCarnivore Summit – The What and Why RESOURCES: CATG Ep. 105 – Hormones and CarbsCATG Ep 101 – Why Carnivore Harder Doesn’t Work (Craig Emmerich Reference)#Carnivore75Hard SPONSORS: Paleovalley _____ JUDY'S RESOURCES: Judy's Book, Carnivore CureFree #Carnivore75Hard ProgramNutrition with Judy ArticlesNutrition with Judy ResourcesJudy's InstagramNutrition with Judy PodcastJudy's YouTubeJudy's Facebook LAURA'S RESOURCES: Laura’s LocalsLaura's Discount Codes & InterviewsLaura's AmazonLaura's YouTubeLaura's Instagram _____ DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice and is for educational purposes only. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.